Top 10 Sunnah Recommended by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Before Going to Sleep

 Going to sleep can be difficult sometimes. Our minds race with thoughts, worries, and plans that make it challenging to relax and drift off. However, the sunnah (practices) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) provide excellent guidance on habits and rituals to incorporate before sleep that will soothe your soul, calm your mind, and allow you to rest peacefully.

Incorporating this sunnah into your nightly routine will, InshAllah, bring barakah (blessings), provide spiritual nourishment, and allow you to wake up energized and refreshed. Let's explore the top 10 best sunnah before going to sleep.

Make Wudu

The first sunnah is to make wudu (ablution) before going to bed. Wudu cleanses and purifies you physically and spiritually. It washes away impurities and allows you to approach sleep in a state of purity.

Some of the benefits of making wudu before sleep include:

  • Cleanses the body and soul

  • Helps you feel relaxed and calm

  • Purifies you before reciting the Quran or engaging in dhikr (remembrance of Allah)

  • Washes away sins and mistakes from the day

  • Allows angels to draw nearer to you

Aim to perform a complete wudu, even if you made one more recently. The ritual washing of hands, face, arms, head, and feet will cleanse and center you before sleep.

Recite Ayat Al-Kursi

One of the most powerful sunnahs before sleep is to recite Ayat Al-Kursi. This verse from Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255) is known as the “Verse of the Throne” and offers great protection and blessings.

Reciting Ayat Al-Kursi before sleep provides many benefits including:

  • Protection from harm and evil

  • Security and safety throughout the night

  • Angels sent to guard you as you sleep

  • Improved sleep quality and ability to rest

  • Increased faith and closeness to Allah

Aim to recite Ayat Al-Kursi three times before getting into bed. Reflect carefully on the meaning of this beautiful verse as you recite it.

Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas

In addition to Ayat Al-Kursi, it is sunnah to recite the three Quranic chapters of Al-Ikhlas (112), Al-Falaq (113), and An-Nas (114) before sleeping.

These soothing, short surahs provide:

  • Protection against evil and harm

  • Security from jealousy, witchcraft, and magic

  • Comfort and peace of mind before drifting off

  • Improved sleep quality and restfulness

Aim to recite each surah three times before bed for maximum benefit. The beautiful verses will fill your heart with tranquility and allow you to sleep soundly.

Make Dhikr and Du'a

Filling your final moments before sleep with dhikr (remembrance of Allah) and du'a (supplications) connects your heart and mind with the divine.

Some beneficial dhikr and du'a to make before sleep include:


  • SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)

  • Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah)

  • Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)

  • Astaghfirullah (I seek forgiveness from Allah)

  • La ilaha illallah (There is no God but Allah)


  • Recite Du'a Qunoot to seek protection from harm

  • Make du'a for forgiveness of sins

  • Pray to wake up at Fajr to worship Allah

  • Ask Allah for blessings, mercy, and forgiveness

Opening your heart sincerely before Allah as you drift off to sleep provides comfort, hope, and tranquility.

Sleep on Your Right Side

It is sunnah to sleep on your right side, facing the Qibla (direction of prayer). Sleeping in this position has many benefits including:

  • Improved circulation and heart function

  • Spinal alignment and reduced back pain

  • Enhanced breathing and lung capacity

  • Increased blood flow to the brain and extremities

  • Greater likelihood of righteous dreams

If you are physically unable to sleep on your right side, then sleeping on your back is the next best option. Make an effort to refrain from sleeping on your stomach.

Sleep Early After Ishā Prayer

It is recommended to sleep early, ideally right after the Ishā (night) prayer. Late nights can negatively impact your sleep quality and ability to wake up refreshed for Fajr (dawn) prayer.

Going to bed early has many benefits:

  • body’s natural sleep cycle in rhythm with sunnah

  • Adequate time for rest and rejuvenation

  • Avoid sleep deprivation and fatigue

  • Wake energized for Fajr prayer and worship

  • Increased productivity and focus throughout the day

Aim to be in bed soon after Ishā so you can sleep deeply and wake up recharged.

Wake Up for Tahajjud

For those who have the ability, it is highly recommended to wake up during the last third of the night to pray Tahajjud. This voluntary prayer is a treasured sunnah of our Beloved Prophet (SAW).

Some of the many blessings and benefits of waking up for Tahajjud include:

  • Opportunity for an intimate conversation with Allah

  • Powerful spiritual nourishment for your soul

  • Gain forgiveness of sins and have du'as accepted

  • Attain higher ranks in Jannah by pleasing Allah

  • Increased focus, productivity, and blessings during the day

Ask Allah to grant you the ability to wake up for this cherished sunnah prayer.

Remove Clutter from Sleep Space

It is Sunnah to keep the area you sleep in clean, organized, and free of clutter. Removing clutter and keeping your sleep space tidy has many benefits including:

  • A peaceful, relaxing environment that induces sleep

  • Less distracted and focused mind before bed

  • Cleanliness increases angels in the room

  • Less dust and allergens for better air quality

  • Sense of tranquility and serenity as you unwind

Make it a daily habit to tidy and organize your bedroom, especially near your bed. This will make your sleep space a sanctuary for restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Use Siwak To Clean Teeth

Our Beloved Prophet (SAW) would use the siwak (natural toothstick) to clean his teeth before going to sleep. Using siwak has many benefits:

  • Removes food particles and bacteria from teeth

  • Freshen breath before bedtime

  • Strengthens gums and whitens teeth

  • Part of fitrah (natural disposition) of sunnah

  • Pleases Allah by following the Prophet's (SAW) Sunnah

Keep a siwak within reach to use each night before bed. This simple sunnah will improve dental hygiene and freshen up right before sleep.


Incorporating this precious sunnah into your evening routine will, InshaAllah, bring tremendous comfort, blessings, and peace before sleep. They provide spiritual nourishment, protection, and closeness with the Divine.

Make an effort to implement as many of these 10 sunnahs as you can. Reciting Ayat Al-Kursi, the three Quls, making dhikr and du'a, using siwak, tidying your sleep space and more will allow you to rest in a state of purity, tranquility and closeness with Allah SWT.

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